1. Upgrade the Alliance Center Before the City Hall

The Alliance Center is a crucial building that allows you to receive help from allies when upgrading and researching. Upgrading it increases the alliance assistance capacity, significantly reducing upgrade and troop training times.


  • Prioritize upgrading the Alliance Center before pushing City Hall upgrades.
  • Join a strong alliance to maximize support from members.

2. Always Maintain Construction Activity

To develop quickly in Rise of Kingdoms, you must always have a building under construction or upgrade. If your city is idle, your progress will slow down, allowing opponents to surpass you.


  • Always keep at least one building upgrading to avoid wasting time.
  • Use speed-ups wisely to shorten upgrade times.
  • Join an alliance to receive support in reducing construction time.

3. Keep Resources in Item Form

Resources are essential in Rise of Kingdoms. However, if stored openly, they can be plundered when enemies attack your city.


  • Keep resources in item form in your inventory until you truly need them.
  • Gather resources only when necessary to avoid excessive storage.
  • Build watchtowers and walls to protect resources from looting.

4. Scout Daily to Explore the Map

At the start of the game, the map is covered in fog, preventing you from seeing resources, enemies, and key locations. Scouting expands your map and reveals hidden rewards.


  • Constantly send scouts to clear the fog.
  • Explore barbarian camps to earn free resource rewards and EXP.
  • Monitor enemy movements to prepare for defense when necessary.

5. Use Sculptures on Constance for Efficient Farming

In the early game, resources are crucial for fast development. Constance is one of the best resource-gathering commanders, so you should prioritize upgrading her skills using universal (green) sculptures.


  • Invest all green sculptures into Constance to optimize resource farming.
  • Use Constance in your gathering team to improve collection efficiency.
  • Pair Constance with Sarka or Gaius Marius for better results.

6. Wait for Alliance Help Before Using Speed-Ups

A common mistake among new players is using speed-ups immediately without utilizing alliance assistance.

Optimal Speed-Up Strategy:

  • Wait for all possible alliance help before using speed-ups to maximize time savings.
  • Alliance help reduces 1% of the remaining time per help. If you use speed-ups first, you miss out on extra time savings.
  • Join an alliance with active members to receive assistance faster.

7. Spend Gems Wisely

Gems are a premium resource in Rise of Kingdoms, so they should be used strategically. Instead of spending gems on speed-ups, invest in upgrading your VIP level—reaching VIP 6 unlocks the second permanent builder, helping you progress faster.


  • Prioritize using gems for VIP upgrades rather than short-term speed-ups.
  • Spend gems on commander sculptures or resources only when absolutely necessary.

8. Complete Daily Quests

Daily quests offer valuable rewards such as resources, experience points, and support items. If you want to grow quickly without spending money, this is one of the most effective methods.


  • Try to complete all daily quests to earn the highest-tier chest rewards.
  • Use quests to collect free resources and speed-ups.

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